⭐⭐⭐New Review by Jacques BECKER⭐⭐⭐

I had discovered the Bulgarians of ‘Metalwings’ with their first EP ‘Fallen Angel In The Hell’ and 2018 had seen the release of their first LP, ‘For All Beyond’ which already showed all the potential of this leading symphonic metal formation. by soprano and keyboardist ‘Stela Atanasova’. They continue their adventure by releasing a second studio recording of almost an hour and ten minutes and I once again fell in love with this new opus from which we had two extracts, first with the beautiful ballad ‘Still Believe in Us’ in 2020 (repeated in a different tone on the new album), then with ‘Monster in the Mirror’ in spring 2021 (see video above). Entirely written and composed by ‘Stela Atanasova’, ‘A Whole New Land’, I quote their page ‘bandcamp’, “is a concept album, both in music and in lyrics. We will take you to a whole new country where all predators and their victims live in harmony and peace … Each song tells a different story of the life of a little girl in search of the lost land of her ancestors. It’s a whole new land where there is once had honor, dignity, beauty and strength. Where there was life, peace and harmony. “

In summary, the Bulgarians of ‘Metalwings’ confirm all the talent of their first album and stand out from other symphonic metal formations by an even more marked fusion between classical music and metal with beautiful melodic lines sublimated by a remarkable moving and captivating singer. . ‘A Whole New Land’ is recommended for a symphonic metal audience featuring rich orchestral arrangements and a lyrically trained singer …

Follow the link to read the full review in French!

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